We HELP YOU come up with the perfect company/brand name. Then We REGISTER your private limited company in the United Kingdom's Companies House, registering you as a 100% shareholder and the director of the company, using our London N1 address as your companies office address.
You can be a citizen of any country in the EU and use the company for accepting online payments and opening an EUR bank account in Europe.
It's a very fast and easy process with us.
We develop the main concept of your company's idea according to your goals and create a meaningful logo.
(if you have an idea, we'll make it into reality)
! As an additional service we offer international/local legal trademark and/or copyright restriction registration for either your brand Name, Logo, Color, Apperance.
We register and set up a fully working SSL secure domain for your company's website and e-mail, so your startup or your existing business looks so much more professional.
We FULLY develop and create a modern & effective website for your business, based on the information/pages/features you tell us to include in the website.
The rest you leave on us.
If needed, we integrate your own payment system in your website, using - Stripe, Mollie, Square etc., connecting it so the payments go straight to your business bank account. (We are able to set the business account for you up as well - Revolut, Wise, Bunq, Paysera etc.)
We develop & craft a strategy, conception, and ideology of your vision. Create & run a campaign for you to find more customers and sell your products/service 500+% more efficiently.
We set up and run your campaigns through our Facebook Business, using the best ad tools to present highest ROI possible.
We fully develop and fork bitshares into your own blockchain. AI scrapers are the future, so protect the data at all cost, have a blockchain to offer to keep the data decentralized in real time. AI can use our data as long as we let them.
We fully develop centralized and decentralized exchanges and do provide fiat, crypto payments of all kinds for your customers.
Imagine a blockchain database, with user controls for data sovereignty, enabling a democratized data economy, one that is underpinned by a crypto bridge/dex with automated clearing mechanics = the ultimate network for a lot of transactional volume on the chain, especially if a partnership with a certain AI provider with over half a billion users is in place, a platform that aims to enable payments and replace a person's bank, a platform that is sovereign and not owned by anyone.
We HELP YOU come up with the perfect company/brand name. Then We REGISTER your private limited company in the United Kingdom's Companies House, registering you as a 100% shareholder and the director of the company, using our London N1 address as your companies office address.
You can be a citizen of any country in the EU and use the company for accepting online payments and opening an EUR bank account in Europe.
It's a very fast and easy process with us.
We develop the main concept of your company's idea according to your goals and create a meaningful logo.
(if you have an idea, we'll make it into reality)
! As an additional service we offer international/local legal trademark and/or copyright restriction registration for either your brand Name, Logo, Color, Apperance.
We register and set up a fully working SSL secure domain for your company's website and e-mail, so your startup or your existing business looks so much more professional.
We FULLY develop and create a modern & effective website for your business, based on the information/pages/features you tell us to include in the website.
The rest you leave on us.
If needed, we integrate your own payment system in your website, using - Stripe, Mollie, Square etc., connecting it so the payments go straight to your business bank account. (We are able to set the business account for you up as well - Revolut, Wise, Bunq, Paysera etc.)
We develop & craft a strategy, conception, and ideology of your vision. Create & run a campaign for you to find more customers and sell your products/service 500+% more efficiently.
We set up and run your campaigns through our Facebook Business, using the best ad tools to present highest ROI possible.
We fully develop and fork bitshares into your own blockchain. AI scrapers are the future, so protect the data at all cost, have a blockchain to offer to keep the data decentralized in real time. AI can use our data as long as we let them.
We fully develop centralized and decentralized exchanges and do provide fiat, crypto payments of all kinds for your customers.
Imagine a blockchain database, with user controls for data sovereignty, enabling a democratized data economy, one that is underpinned by a crypto bridge/dex with automated clearing mechanics = the ultimate network for a lot of transactional volume on the chain, especially if a partnership with a certain AI provider with over half a billion users is in place, a platform that aims to enable payments and replace a person's bank, a platform that is sovereign and not owned by anyone.